Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Street boy in eid

The street boy in ramadan
Street children in kenya

Street children in pakistan
Street children in mongolia
Friday, August 20, 2010
Street children in philippines

Street children in brazil

Street children in romania
Street children in vietnam

Street children in russia

In Russia , street children usually find a home in underground pipe and cable collectors during the harsh winter. These underground homes offer space, shelter and most importantly of all, heat from hot water and central heating pipes.
Russia has 1 million street children, and one in four crimes involves underage youths. Officially, the number of children without supervision is more than 700,000. However, experts believe the real figure has long been between 2 and 4 million.Street children in india

Street children in uk

· Children who run away, leave home or are thrown out, commonly referred to as ‘Runaways’:young people who stay away from home for at least one night without the permission of their parent or carer. About a quarter of runaways will sleep outside.
· Homeless: someone who has no home where they can be expected to live, and who may be staying with friends, in a hostel or in a shelter.
· Street homeless: someone who is homeless and sleeping rough outside on the street or elsewhere.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Life in the streets in dhaka

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Types of work

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Child domestic worker

Condition of the tokai


In Bangladesh, we see different kind of boys, who are collects different kinds of garbage in their sackand they sell it vangari shop(shop that buy any kind of waste product).They are so poor and are called “Tokai”.It is a one kind of child labour.Majority of the tokai’s belong to the age group 7-15 years but aged tokai also found.Basically tokai’s workplace is mainly public places,bus,train launch terminals,shopping area,streets,residential areas ,dustbin etc.

They work daily 8-10 hours and also average income per day less 70 taka.They have no skills.Sometimes,they works under a group or independently.NGOs have tkaen different programmes for the welfare of the tokai.They are hopeless.they have no identity.some are houseless.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Tokai (video)
Tokai Bangla word meaning collector. It usually refers to poor children who collect left out things from streets, dustbins, houses and other public places for recycling.If we see the video then we can easily understand their life.
Friday, August 6, 2010
The present situation

A boy sells tea on the street in Dhaka. Although child labor is illegal in Bangladesh an estimated 4.9 million Bangladeshi children aged 5 to 15 are working according to UNICEF. They often work in hazardous environments and have little access to education. According to a recent World Bank study, Bangladesh is among at least 33 countries that are at risk of serious political unrest if food and fuel prices keep rising. Bangladesh is currently one of the world's poorest countries, where nearly 40 percent of the 144 million population survive on less than a dollar a day and on average spend eighty percent of their income on food.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Lack of education
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Work in the state

Some of the children are on the street - they work, play and spend most of their day with other children on the street but have families to return to at night. These children often help the family earn money by working on the streets.
Other children are of the street - they survive without family, entirely on their own, except for the company of other street children or those willing to help and support them.
What do they eat?

Street children in Dhaka city lead a very measurable life. They eat various kinds of things. But from where they get it? Most of they have to face of kindness of people. Some time they have to face the rude behave from people. In these pictures one boy is eating food sitting by a loan place. He also shared it with his companion. He and his companion always share all things. If any one gives some money they also divide it equally.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Life style

There are children belonging to very poor families who are deprived and unprivileged and sometime marginalized. Among them there are street children without parents, home or any type of shelter. There are slum children living in the street side or by the side of rail line. These children begin each of the days with the tension of collecting foods. In which age, they should go to school; they have to go in search of livelihood. They have to work hard till the night. Even sometime they have to be involved in different types of risky jobs, which are threats to their lives.
Street boy in crime

A large number of street boys in
Poverty and wayward life of their parents, loss of shelters due to natural calamities, drug addiction, bigamy or polygamy of parents and missing during journey from one place to another are among the factors that are responsible for a large number of street boys' get involved in crimes, says the report.
Many of these hapless street boys are being picked up by criminals for keeping arms, throwing bombs at targets, selling drugs and pilferage of food grains for small amount of money, the project manager quoted the survey report as saying.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Style of street boy
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Street Boy

Street Boy is a boy who has no living place and always stand inside the road. Street boys involved in prostitution living in the street, face numerous hazards every moment of their lives.The street child’s access to basic amenities, primary education, health, and legal protection, is largely excluded under the present policies and program.